1,"Complete","Thompson, John",25,"Springbluff","Private","Army","Co I 3 Inf","6-24-1843","9-11-1843","US Army Registration of Enlistments","no","enlisted New York, New York Discharged Fort Leavenworth Ks. Born 4-18-1816 Albany NY Died 8-5-1869 Little Creek Cemetery." 2,"No Record","Eberius, Gottfried",0,"Bouef Twp",,"Flordia Militia or Army",,,,"Newspaper Article",,"also spelled Godfried born in Germany moved to Franklin County then Florida, back to Germany then back to Franklin Co." 3,"No Record","Hutten, Samuel",0,"Franklin County",,"Milita","Capt. Rodger's Company Tennessee Vol.",,,"BLO grants.","no","DOB 4-11-1798 Ky. DOD 10-1-1866, Georgetown Cem., Gasconade Co., Mo. Wife Elizabeth Hiatt." 4,"Incomplete",,0,,,,,,,,, 5,"No Record, Residence","Pickett, John",0,,,"Tenn. Militia","Capt. Dunlap's Co.",,,"Pension File","no","Wife Ruth Pickett."