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Voter Information

Information for voters

Register to Vote

The County Clerk is a countywide elected official with a term of four years.  Tim Baker, who was elected to the position in November of 2018, currently holds the Clerk’s position. Tim is the chief election authority for the county and its political subdivisions and is responsible for conducting all public elections held in the county. Regular elections are held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in April, August and November. Special elections may also be held in February or June by certain public entities. Tim's office is also responsible for all voter registration activities in the county. Currently, there are more than 74,000 people registered to vote in Franklin County.

Registration qualifications are:

  • 18 years of age by Election Day (you may register to vote when you are 17 1/2 , but you are not eligible to vote until your 18th birthday.)

  • US Citizen

  • Missouri Resident

  • Please note that if you have moved to Franklin County from another County or City in Missouri, you MUST fill out a NEW Voter Registration Card in order to be registered to vote in Franklin County.

There are many ways to register to vote:

  • Come to the County Clerk's Office in the Franklin County Government Building 400 E Locust room 201.

  • At any Department of Motor Vehicles office, or state agency providing a service to the public (WIC, Social Services, etc.)

  • By mail through the post-card voter registration application, which may be obtained by calling our office.

  • Register on-line by clicking on this link.

  • If you are unsure if you are registered, check here.

If you have any questions regarding voter registration, registration sites, or elections, please contact us:

(636) 583-6364

Fax: (636) 583-7320

You may register to vote at any of these convenient locations during regular business hours.

Franklin County Clerk's Office

400 E. Locust, Room 201



St. Clair License Bureau

1098 St. Clair Plaza Drive, Suite 1,000

St. Clair


Washington License Bureau

1037 Washington Square Center



Scenic Regional Library - New Haven

200 Douglas Street

New Haven


Scenic Regional Library - St. Clair

515 E. Springfield Road

St. Clair


Scenic Regional Library - Union

251 Union Plaza Drive



Pacific License Bureau

730 W. Osage Street



Union License Bureau

105 S. Oak Street



Washington Public Library

410 Lafayette Street



Scenic Regional Library - Pacific

111 Lamar Parkway



Scenic Regional Library - Sullivan

525 Cumberland Way



Current Year Election Information

Voters only need to bring an official state photo ID per Statute 1878 passed in 2020.

Accessible Voting in Franklin County

Absentee Ballot Request


Absentee Voting:

When: Starts February 25th.  Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Where: Government Building 400 E Locust, Rm 201 Union

Permanent Absentee Voting 

If you have a permanent physical disability, you may request to be placed on the Permanent Disabled Absentee list.  This will ensure that the Election Authority can automatically mail an absentee ballot application directly to you prior to each election.

  • Print and fill out the Permanent Disabled Absentee Program application (PDF) or request the application from the Franklin County Election Authority.  

  • Complete and submit the program application to the Election Authority.

  • Prior to each election, an absentee ballot application will automatically be mailed to you. Complete and submit the application to receive your ballot. 

  • You will then be sent an absentee ballot along with an envelope to return it to our office. Vote the ballot, place it inside the return envelope and complete the envelope by signing your name and mail it. You are exempt from needing your signature notarized.

  • A caregiver of a permanently disabled voter who resides at the same address may request and submit an absentee ballot application before each election in which you are eligible to vote. Caregivers are exempt from needing their signature notarized.

Mail or in-person: 
Franklin County Election Authority
400 E. Locust, Room 201
Union, MO  63084

Fax: 636-583-7320


Curbside Voting

Voters with limited mobility can vote curbside. At your polling place, have someone go in and stand in line to let the election judge know you want to do curbside voting. Curbside voting is available at the Election Authority during absentee voting up to the day before the election. Park in the marked spaces and call the phone number listed on the sign for a team to assist you.

Voting Absentee Due to Hospitalization

Contact the Election Authority if:

  • Hospitalized after 5 p.m. the second Wednesday prior to an election in a hospital located in Franklin County

  • AND not released before or on Election Day.


A bipartisan team will deliver the ballot to the voter in the hospital and return the voted ballot to the Election Authority.

Accessible Voting Systems

Every polling place has accessible voting systems for individuals with disabilities. 

The OpenElect FreedomVote Tablet (FVT) is a ballot marking device that prints paper ballots. The FVT exceeds the voting requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by offering state-of-the-art features. The FVT facilitates special needs voters through a variety of methods including tablet touchscreen technology, expanded font function, Help America Vote Act (HAVA)-compliant keypad, sip-n-puff attachment, and audio assistance for the visually impaired.

If you have any questions, please contact the Franklin County Clerk’s Office.  We would be more than happy to help.  Our phone number is 636-583-6364.

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